Jeff's uncle Gill lives in Nelson, where he runs the local Mexican Restaurant El Taco. El Taco is perched on the hillside overlooking downtown Nelson, and the patio sits on the streetside facing the sunshine. This is where we spent thursday afternoon.
The relaxtion was much needed. 2 nights previous we had descended Blueberry-Paulson Pass (Bonanza Pass), just before castlegar. The 4 hour ascent, and 40 minute descent had drained the team riders. We also cracked our rear rim.
The next day, we arrived in Nelson. As we dealt with the shipping of the rim from the US, we basked in Nelson's glowing afternoon. We ate burritos, enchiladas and taquitos, as Gill told us the history of Nelson.
After a night of well deserved tequila drinking, waterfall jamming, music blaring, silly dancing, and friendship making, we cycled our weary selves down the highway beside Kootenay Lake towards the Kootenay Lake Ferry.
The Kootenay Lake Ferry is the longest free ferry in North America, and maybe even the world. It comes every 2 hours, and takes car and passenger down one of the most beauiful lakes in the world. The sun was banking off the water as the ferry drifted us down the lake. More filming. more fun.
On the other side of the water, the road bumps and bounces along the lake for 70km towards Creston. This road is rated one of the top 10 rides in the world. For us it is number one.
We regained our momentum as the slow rollers of the hill glided us towards Creston, and deeper into the Kootenay mountains. The quad-tandem bike acts like a roller-coaster as the momentum of one hill carries you up the other. It was early evening, and we were cruising in on the most beautiful road in the world.
Today, we will try to ride the 140km to Cranbrook. Rolling hills in the sunshine on a quad-tandem.
ANNNNNNND Episode one of Tandem TV is up!!!!! we are very very excited about it. You can watch the movie online at
with tandem love.
You guys are toooo hard ass! just peeped tandem TV, I laughed, I cried, I shat the bed. Love this thing boys, real talk. Ian, I thought you had gone fucking mental to even consider this trip and now ur blowing the roof off like a good cook should, and u and the rest of this ragtag bunch of hooligans are geeing up big time. GULLY: straight film talent, this thing is oscar material fsheez. milly mills, luke, brent, blange, matt and anyone else whos tahoing trailering cycling whatever straight cold fucking props you rule the internet, and us cubicle jockeys are rooting for your hard.